When you invest in the Imlay City Chamber of Commerce, you reap the benefits of employing an office that works and serves successfully for you and the community.
The Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce processes hundreds of inquiries each year requesting information about various businesses in our community. The Chamber office refers our members first to inquiries and shares up-to-date information about our members and their services to potential customers.
There are a variety of networking events sponsored by the Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce. Each allows members to connect with fellow members, share ideas and expand networks. The Chamber sponsors a variety of events throughout the year that promote our members, region and Imlay City.
Our Chamber website not only lists our members but offers members the opportunity to create a "mini" webpage within our site. This service is free and very easy to use. For examples of this service please visit our business directory by clicking here.
There are many cost saving programs that you and your employees may participate in as a Chamber member. Please click here for the economic benefits of Chamber membership.
The Chamber is dedicated to helping members expand their business while encouraging new businesses to locate in Imlay City. For more information on how the Chamber is involved in the economic development of the region, please visit the "Economics" webpage found on this site.
Please contact the Chamber office at (810) 724-1361 for more information on the benefits of Chamber membership. A membership form can be found by downloading the information found below.
The Chamber is a member of the award-winning Imlay City SEED Group, a team of individuals dedicated to bringing new businesses into Imlay City while helping established businesses grow and prosper. The Chamber works to attract new businesses to the community bringing new jobs, residents and potential customers. Please click here for information regarding the Chamber's participation in the economic development of the Imlay City region.
The Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce not only hosts networking events but also sponsors the annual festival, newly rebranded, the Imlay City Summer Fest, entering its 1st year in 2022. Over 1,550 people attend the Chamber's annual Merchant Trick or Treat, Imlay City Chamber Gala and Imlay City's Winter Playground. These promotions help to bring thousands of visitors and local communities to our businesses and are economically beneficial to our members.
As a member of the Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce, your business is automatically listed in our online business directory and the Community Guide. As a benefit of membership, your business has the opportunity to expand your business listing by adding additional business information, coupons, etc. The Chamber's website averages over 1,000 new visitors a month... all looking to do business locally!
The Chamber office also refers its members on a daily basis to those who call looking to do business in the Imlay City region.
The Chamber offers free and discounted programs to help you promote and grow your business:
The Chamber promotes our members first and recommends our members to hundreds of inquiries a year
Members of the Imlay City Area Chamber of Commerce enjoy economic, promotional and networking benefits that help businesses prosper. With membership to the Chamber comes instant recognition and credibility.